More Service

Get full control of your regular tasks.

Maintenance illustration

Do not go around with uncertainty as to whether regular tasks have been performed. Get full control of your tasks, geet it all planned, distributed and documented in just one place.

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Regular tasks

Some tasks are of a regular nature, where you have to document what has been done / checked, as well as who has performed it. This can be scheduled maintenance, checklists, HSE tasks, certification-keeping tasks or other. Tasks that are done anywhere from once a week to once a year.
With More Service Maintenance, tasks are scheduled to be performed regularly with a form for what to do / check. The tasks are added to the case list of agents / case managers who will perform them.
When the tasks are done, a neat overview shows what has been done and by whom. All gathered in one place.
Use pre-defined templates for procedures and routines, or create your own.
Do not go around with uncertainty as to whether regular tasks have been performed. Get full control of the tasks planned, distributed and documented in one place.