What is the difference between service desk and help desk?
The IT industry is an expert on 3-letter abbreviations and several words that describe the same function. An example is the words
service desk and help desk.
Many people use the
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) library as a guide in the provision of IT services.
Helpdesk: A contact point for users to log events. A help desk is usually more focused on the technical than a service desk and does not offer a single point of contact for all types of inquiries. The term help desk is often used as a synonym for service desk, although this is not always the same.
Service Desk: The only point of contact between the service provider and users. A typical service desk handles episodes, service requests, and user communications.
Thus, itSM considers a help desk to be a more unique – and technical – function, while service desk is a single point of contact and service for all users.
When the concept of service desk was introduced, the idea was probably that a service desk is more strategic and across different business functions. In daily speech, the terms are used interchangeably, and in practice they cover the same way. In “old days” it was called support, “PC help”, and the like.
More important than using one term or another is how to service the business. Far more functions than IT receive service inquiries that need to be resolved and followed up. Some examples are professional requests for finance / finance, ordering new hires, moving and resigning to HR, inquiries to the janitor and ordering overtime food for the canteen.
Both service desk and help desk describe a function that provides service, receives various inquiries, answers and follows them up. We think the word “service” is important, and therefore recommend using the term service desk. This is also one of the reasons why our software is called More Service. In More Service, you can start with a simple Helpdesk and extend the solution to a full Service Desk as the organization matures.
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